Friday, July 13, 2007

Eiffel Tower photo shoot

I set Dad's camera on timed photos and tried to get Bill to pose with me in front of the Eiffel Tower.

And then we tried again...

But none of the pictures came out that well as Bill kept pushing me and trying to hog the whole picture with his large snout.

Me and Mom's new waterproof jacket

Here are some old photos of me and Mom when she bought her waterproof red jacket.

Going out with Mary

Mary wanted to play with Liono, since he does not get a chance to leave the house much. Normally he is on guard duty with Rabbito.

Mary kept sneaking me sips of the wine from her glass.

Obviously the alcohol had an effect on both of us.

Time with Sarah

Sarah came to visit us again, so we got to play with her a lot. That was very fun, so I hope she will come again soon.

Sarah likes to sneak rum-filled smoothies to Strange Panda because she is very naughty.

Bill sleeping as always

As usual, Bill was sleeping while I was playing dress up. During the floods in Sheffield we mostly lay around sleeping and watching tv. Not much else for us to do really. Bill wanted to go swim in the water, but Dad said it would be too dangerous because of the currents.

Not much to do

We haven't gotten to go on a trip recently, so we don't have many pictures. Bill and I have been looking through the computer for any pictures we might have missed.

Since we were a bit bored, I decided to reenact The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

I make a lovely caterpillar I think. It also gave me a chance to eat lots of food.